Fishing for Peace
The Nahuel Huapi National Park has a significant number of lakes and rivers with shores that are easy to access and particularly adequate for the reproduction of species with great fishing value, like brown and rainbow trouts. Fishing these species is called "sport fishing" because only artificial bait is used, such as flies and spoons. You need to get a fishing permit first.

There are three sport fishing types: fly fishing, spinning, and trolling. Fly fishing is generally practiced in rivers. This technique requires some previous knowledge on how to cast the rod.
For beginners, we suggest you hire the assistance of a professional guide. Spinning involves casting a spoon from the shore of lakes or permitted areas of Patagonian rivers.

(Fly Fishing): this is the most authentic and challenging fishing technique. Generally speaking, it involves projecting the bait with a whip-like movement of the rod that passes through to the line. To throw the line, a light and particularly bendy rod is used. The cast is made in three basic steps: a back cast, a pause, and a forward cast. The aim is to entice fish with a bait that mimics drowned or dry insects, in a very natural and delicate fashion. Fly fishing requires great skills and knowledge. That's why fans regard it as art.
Spinning: this fishing technique consists in throwing the bait, or spoon, and rolling it back to mimic the movement of small fish that can't swim properly. This effect is achieved by gently pulling or striking the rod when rolling the bait back, trying to make a vibrating and twisting movement that will encite fish to attack.
Trolling:no previous knowledge required. This fishing technique is performed while sailing and consists of dragging the bait from a moving boat, whether it's a power-engined or a rowing boat. This technique is generally used to catch large trouts in lakes. The captain (a trained guide) coordinates the tour taking into account the experience of the group, thus ensuring the experience is pleasant for everyone involved.
Please note: The fishing season runs from November to the end of April. However, you can fly fish, spin fish or troll in Moreno Lake all year round, as long as you catch and release the fish.
You will also find the Alicurá Reservoir only two hours away from Bariloche, where you can fish for rainbow and brown trout all year round. Releasing brown trout is mandatory.
To hire the services of a professional fishing guide to help you practice any of the above fishing techniques, or to request information about fishing regulations, visit the following official websites: -